How to Delete A Neopets Account
Neopets is a children’s game online that allows kids to collect Neopets, take care of their pets and earn coins to purchase items and even more pets. The site was established in 1997 and has built up quite the cult following over the years. There are Neoptians that have been with the site since the beginning, so the idea that this is a children’s game is not exactly on-point.
Deleting My Account: Step By Step
Your Neopets account is a collection of pets and items. If you delete the Neopets account you will lose access to those items. If is extremely important to be certain you want to erase all your Neopets information and progress before deleting your account.
. - Log in to your account.
- Follow the instructions to delete your Neopets account.
According to some users, if you think you may wish to restore your account later, you need to take a complete inventory of the items you have in your account. This assumes you can restore your account after deletion, but we did not find reference to restoration on the Neopets website.
Privacy Policy Fine Print
Neopets will only collect information they need to run your account on the website. This information is provided by you during the registration process. They may also collect some information from Facebook, Twitter and other social media networks, but only information that you openly share.
As is the case with most websites, there are cookies and use logs that Neopets uses to personalize your experience and gauge how the site is navigated by users. This information is collected and aggregated to improve the site down the line.
You can read the detailed privacy policy for Neopets at
Is There A Cancellation Fee?
No cancellation fee is collected when you delete your Neopets account. All the coins you collected will be erased, however. There are portions of the site that require money. If you used real money to purchase items on Neopets, you will lose access to those items.
Can I Get Help From Neopets?
There is a help page on Neopets at
. When we searched for information on how to delete our Neopet’s account we found nothing. There is no contact phone number for customer service.
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