How to Delete A Blogger Account
Blogger is the free blogging platform offered by Google. Google users can register for or sign in to Blogger with their Gmail or Google account user name and password. Once logged in, the user can create a free blog, add Adsense ads to the blog and generate income. At any time a user can choose to delete a particular blog, but Blogger does not offer the option to delete your Blogger account. However, in the help section of Blogger, the company offers a means of creating the effect of deleting your account.
Deleting My Account: Step By Step
Before using the following steps make sure you copy any and all blog posts you’d like to keep to your personal computer. Deleting blogs will delete all content and pictures on those blogs. You will not be able to recover these once you’ve deleted your Blogger account.
- Delete all blogs. Sign in to your Blogger account and click on the Settings link then Other. Look for the Delete Blog option and click. You will be asked to verify your selection before finalizing the delete. Continue to your next blog and repeat, if applicable. You will be able to restore these blogs if you decide to keep you Blogger account.
- Go to your Dashboard and click the Edit Profile link. Remove your picture, personal information and description. If there is a field that is required to save the profile, enter random information, but not information associated with any living person that you know (this step is offered directly by Google.)
- Edit your username to complete the delete. This will make the old username available to someone else and essentially delete your Blogger account.
These steps will not delete the Blogger account all tougher, but it will virtually delete the online presence associated with the old Blogger account.
Blogger help notes that removing your email address from your profile is the final step in deleting the account because after removing the email address you will not be able to recover any information, including the user name or password, for the account. You can read more about virtually deleting your Blogger account at
Privacy Policy Fine Print
The privacy policy for Blogger is the same privacy policy published by Google. Google collects information from your personal computer, browsing habits and search habits. They do so by logging your computer activity and IP address, using cookies to follow Internet activities and by storing personal information you openly give when signing up for Google properties. Personal information collected and used by Google may include your name, address and phone number. Google may also collect information about your location.
The complete privacy policy for Blogger and Google in general is located at
Is There a Cancellation Fee?
There is no cancellation fee associated with deleting your Blogger account. If you are deleting your Google account, you will be responsible for paying any outstanding bills for paid services purchased with that Google account.
Can I Get Help From Blogger?
The best place to find help about how to delete your Blogger account is on the Blogger help page at
. Simply search Delete Blog and find the question that best suits your situation.
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