Our Mission

We specialize in helping individuals cancel their accounts quickly and easily. We understand that canceling accounts can be a frustrating and time-consuming process, which is why we provide all the necessary resources for cancelling different types of accounts and subscriptions.

We’re here to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible, so you can move on to the next chapter of your life without any more pesky notifications or subscription offers.


Our Team

Mark Guerrero

Mark has a background in information technology and is a whiz when it comes to navigating online account cancellation processes. Don’t let his youthful appearance fool you: he has 12 years of experience in the data collection industry, and is intimately familiar with the data handling and processing policies of popular platforms.


Sarah Paulson

With decades of experience as a telemarketing professional for different industries, Sarah knows the ins and outs of subscription signups. After retiring from the industry, she has shifted to providing account cancellation services. Sarah has a deep understanding of the cancellation policies of various companies and can provide tailored advice to clients. Sarah is known for her friendly and empathetic approach, which helps people feel at ease during stressful times.


Timothy Jameson

As the former VP for operations for a major BPO firm, Tim has over 20 years of experience with the account subscription and cancellation process of multinational companies. Tim lends his gravitas to the team by providing behind-the-scenes advice on what goes on when unsubscribing from major providers. Tim also runs his own call center consultation to help companies provide better customer service.